Worst deals and giveaways in the UK – Avoid them!

We all love a freebie or a bargain, but sometimes deals and giveaways can be more trouble than they’re worth. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the worst deals and giveaways in the UK, and how you can avoid them!

  1. Free trial offers that automatically sign you up for a subscription

Be careful of free trial offers that seem too good to be true – often, they are! Many companies will sign you up for a free trial of their product or service, but then automatically start billing you for a subscription once the trial period is over.

To avoid this trap, always read the fine print before signing up for any free trial, and be sure to cancel any subscription that you don’t want before the trial period ends.

  1. “Win a free holiday!” competitions

You’ve probably seen these competitions advertised on social media or in your local supermarket – “win a free holiday!” They sound great, but often they’re just a way for companies to get your personal information.

Before entering any competition, research the company to make sure they’re legitimate. And if you do win, be prepared for the fact that you may have to pay taxes on your prize.

  1. “Get paid to do surveys!”

You’ve probably seen ads promising to pay you for taking online surveys. While there are some legitimate companies that do this, many of them are just scams.

Before you sign up for any survey company, do your research to make sure they’re legitimate. And be prepared to be paid in “points” or “credits” instead of actual cash. More details you need Check This Out.

  1. “Make money from home!”

There are many opportunities to make money from home, but many of them are scams. Be very careful of any company that asks you to pay a fee to start working from home, or that promises to pay you an unrealistic amount of money for very little work.

Do your research before you sign up for any work-from-home opportunity, and don’t pay any money upfront.

  1. “Sign up for our newsletter and get a free gift!”

This is a common offer from many websites, but often the “free gift” is just a low-quality promotional item. And once you sign up for the newsletter, you’ll probably start getting a lot of unwanted emails.

To avoid this, only sign up for newsletters from companies that you actually want to hear from.