The Role of Authenticity in Future Brand Building: Insights by Thomas Pigeon

The Role of Authenticity in Future Brand Building: Insights by Thomas Pigeon

As we live in the age of a more aware, cynical consumer authenticity is essential for all brand behavior. Thomas Pigeon , one of the managing directors at a big brand strategy and design firm argues that authenticity is more than just buzzword- it’s foundational to where we are heading in terms of brand development.

What is authenticity in branding?

In simple words, Brand Authenticity refers to how well is a brand performing and reflecting their values in action or delivery over the promise they make. As Thomas Pigeon states, authenticity is the ability to construct and deliver your brand in an entirely credible way from product development through customer service.

Why Authenticity Matters

As consumers become more aware and better informed, they look for brands that are transparent. Authenticity builds trust, and building long-term relationships requires customers to feel they can rely on you.

Thomas Pigeon

  • Building Authentic Brands: A brand that needs to have a clear map of destination so all the actions bind around one singular thought. There are certain costs that customers must be made aware of.
  • At all channels: Being authentic means consistent at every single touch-point. Pigeon said that a message and actions should be consistent between channels. Not only does this consistency help solidify the brand in consumers minds, but it also helps to build consumer confidence and trust.
  • Authentic Engagement: Brands should connect with their audience in genuine ways. For example, listening to customer feedback and being responsive and empathetic. Genuine engagement creates a tribe around the brand and loyal regular customers.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Brands should be willing to share their business practices about sourcing, manufacturing, corporate governance etc. Second, transparency on such fronts gains credibility and trust.

Only brands that actually keep the promise, only those who really stand out because of their way to stick to something and have not given up will remain. What he uncovers in the spirit of Thomas Pigeon, is an always pressing need for authenticity to be a tactical necessity for forward-thinking brands attempting establish lasting relationships with consumers that yield long-run growth.